Package | us.cdc.phinvads |
Type | ValueSet |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 5 |
Status | active |
Date | 2021-01-12T00:02:00+11:00 |
Name | PHVS_CodingSystem_HL7_2x_Table0396 |
Title | Coding System HL7 2x Table 0396 |
Experimental | False |
Realm | us |
Description | HL7 Table 0396 defines the standard coding systems recognized by HL7. The table defines a mechanism by which locally defined codes can be transmitted. Any code/coding system not defined in HL7 Table 0396 is considered a local coding system from the HL7 perspective. Coding systems that are identified in this implementation guide will be identified according to the recommended HL7 nomenclature from table 0396 as 99DR-zzz where zzz represents a string identifying the specific non-standard coding system. It is strongly suggested that implementers instead adopt the use of 99zz approach to identifying local coding systems since HL7 has indicated that use of L for local coding systems is retained only for backwards compatibility, and its use may be withdrawn in a subsequent 2.x version. Note that the local use of 99zzz should not collide with any of the locally defined coding systems identified in this implementation guide. |
No resources found
CodeSystem | | ![]() | codingSystem | ![]() | codingSystem |
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.3338",
"meta" : {
"source" : ""
"url" : "",
"version" : "5",
"name" : "PHVS_CodingSystem_HL7_2x_Table0396",
"title" : "Coding System HL7 2x Table 0396",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2021-01-12T00:02:00+11:00",
"description" : "HL7 Table 0396 defines the standard coding systems recognized by HL7. The table defines a mechanism by which locally defined codes can be transmitted. Any code/coding system not defined in HL7 Table 0396 is considered a local coding system from the HL7 perspective. Coding systems that are identified in this implementation guide will be identified according to the recommended HL7 nomenclature from table 0396 as 99DR-zzz where zzz represents a string identifying the specific non-standard coding system. It is strongly suggested that implementers instead adopt the use of 99zz approach to identifying local coding systems since HL7 has indicated that use of L for local coding systems is retained only for backwards compatibility, and its use may be withdrawn in a subsequent 2.x version. Note that the local use of 99zzz should not collide with any of the locally defined coding systems identified in this implementation guide.",
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"version" : "2020-05-06",
"concept" : [
"code" : "ACR",
"display" : "American College of Radiology"
"code" : "ATC",
"display" : "American Type Culture Collection"
"code" : "AS4E",
"display" : "AS4 Neurophysiology Codes"
"code" : "X12DEnnnn",
"display" : "ASC X12 Code List nnnn"
"code" : "AS4",
"display" : "ASTM E1238/ E1467 Universal"
"code" : "AMTv2",
"display" : "Australian Medicines Terminology (v2)"
"code" : "CDCA",
"display" : "CDC Analyte Codes"
"code" : "CDCOBS",
"display" : "CDC BioSense RT observations (Census) - CDC"
"code" : "CDCEDACUITY",
"display" : "CDC Emergency Department Acuity"
"code" : "CDCM",
"display" : "CDC Methods/Instruments Codes"
"code" : "CDCNHSN",
"display" : "CDC National Healthcare Safety Network Codes"
"code" : "CDCPHINVS",
"display" : "CDC PHIN Vocabulary Coding System"
"code" : "PLR",
"display" : "CDC PHLIP Lab result codes that are not covered in SNOMED at the time of this implementation"
"code" : "PLT",
"display" : "CDC PHLIP Lab test codes"
"code" : "PHINQUESTION",
"display" : "CDC Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Question"
"code" : "CDS",
"display" : "CDC Surveillance"
"code" : "CVX",
"display" : "CDC Vaccine Codes"
"code" : "MVX",
"display" : "CDC Vaccine Manufacturer Codes"
"code" : "CD2",
"display" : "CDT-2 Codes"
"code" : "CE (obsolete)",
"display" : "CEN ECG diagnostic codes"
"code" : "CAS",
"display" : "Chemical abstract codes"
"code" : "CCC",
"display" : "Clinical Care Classification system"
"code" : "VIS",
"display" : "Clinicians are required to track the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) that was shared with the recipient of a vaccination. This code system contains codes that identify the document type and the owner of the document."
"code" : "CLINVAR-V",
"display" : "ClinVar Variant ID"
"code" : "CLP",
"display" : "CLIP"
"code" : "HPC",
"display" : "CMS (formerly HCFA )Procedure Codes (HCPCS)"
"code" : "HCPCS",
"display" : "CMS (formerly HCFA) Common Procedure Coding System"
"code" : "CAPECC",
"display" : "College of American Pathologists Electronic Cancer Checklist"
"code" : "COSMIC-Smpl",
"display" : "COSMIC û Simple variants"
"code" : "COSMIC-Strc",
"display" : "COSMIC-Structural variants"
"code" : "CST",
"display" : "COSTART"
"code" : "CPTM",
"display" : "CPT Modifier Code"
"code" : "C4",
"display" : "CPT-4"
"code" : "C5",
"display" : "CPT-5"
"code" : "Chrom-Loc",
"display" : "Cytogenetic (chromosome) location"
"code" : "dbVar-GL",
"display" : "dbVar-Germline"
"code" : "dbVar-som",
"display" : "dbVar-Somatic"
"code" : "DCM",
"display" : "DICOM Controlled Terminology"
"code" : "EDLEVEL",
"display" : "Education Level"
"code" : "ensembl-G",
"display" : "Ensembl genomic reference sequence"
"code" : "Ensembl-P",
"display" : "Ensembl protein reference sequence"
"code" : "ensembl-T",
"display" : "Ensembl transcript reference sequence"
"code" : "ENTITYCODE",
"display" : "Entity Code"
"code" : "ENTITYHDLG",
"display" : "Entity Handling Code"
"code" : "ENZC",
"display" : "Enzyme Codes"
"code" : "EPASRS",
"display" : "EPA SRS"
"code" : "E",
"display" : "EUCLIDES"
"code" : "E7",
"display" : "Euclides Lab equipment codes"
"code" : "E6",
"display" : "Euclides Lab method codes"
"code" : "E5",
"display" : "Euclides quantity codes"
"code" : "FDK",
"display" : "FDA K10"
"code" : "FIPS5_2",
"display" : "FIPS 5-2 (State)"
"code" : "FIPS6_4",
"display" : "FIPS 6-4 (County)"
"code" : "FDDX",
"display" : "First DataBank Diagnostic Codes"
"code" : "FDDC",
"display" : "First DataBank Drug Codes"
"code" : "NULLFL",
"display" : "Flavors of NULL"
"code" : "GDRG2004",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v 2004"
"code" : "GDRG2005",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v 2005"
"code" : "GDRG2006",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v 2006"
"code" : "GDRG2007",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v2007"
"code" : "GDRG2008",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v2008"
"code" : "GDRG2009",
"display" : "G-DRG German DRG Codes v2008"
"code" : "ALPHAID2006",
"display" : "German Alpha-ID v2006"
"code" : "ALPHAID2007",
"display" : "German Alpha-ID v2007"
"code" : "ALPHAID2008",
"display" : "German Alpha-ID v2008"
"code" : "ALPHAID2009",
"display" : "German Alpha-ID v2009"
"code" : "GMDC2004",
"display" : "German Major Diagnostic Codes v 1004"
"code" : "GMDC2005",
"display" : "German Major Diagnostic Codes v2005"
"code" : "GMDC2007",
"display" : "German Major Diagnostic Codes v2007"
"code" : "GMDC2008",
"display" : "German Major Diagnostic Codes v2008"
"code" : "GMDC2006",
"display" : "German Major v2006 Diagnostic Codes"
"code" : "O301",
"display" : "German Procedure Codes"
"code" : "HCPT",
"display" : "Health Care Provider Taxonomy"
"code" : "HCPTNUCC",
"display" : "Health Care Provider Taxonomy"
"code" : "HL7nnnn",
"display" : "Health Level Seven defined table of codes, where nnnn is the HL7 table number."
"code" : "HI",
"display" : "Health Outcomes"
"code" : "HSLOC",
"display" : "Healthcare Service Location"
"code" : "HGNC-Symb",
"display" : "HGNC-symb"
"code" : "HGVS.g",
"display" : "HGVS- Genomic syntax"
"code" : "HGVS.c",
"display" : "HGVS- Transcript syntax"
"code" : "HGVS.p",
"display" : "HGVS-Protein syntax"
"code" : "HB",
"display" : "HIBCC"
"code" : "ANS+",
"display" : "HL7 set of units of measure"
"code" : "HL70353",
"display" : "HL7 Version 2 Table 0353"
"code" : "HHC",
"display" : "Home Health Care"
"code" : "HLA-Allele",
"display" : "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)"
"code" : "HPO",
"display" : "Human Phenotype Ontology"
"code" : "ICS",
"display" : "ICCS"
"code" : "I10G2004",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany 2004"
"code" : "I10G2005",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany 2005"
"code" : "I10G2006",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany 2006"
"code" : "ICD10GM2007",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany v2007"
"code" : "ICD10GM2008",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany v2008"
"code" : "ICD10GM2009",
"display" : "ICD 10 Germany v2009"
"code" : "I10",
"display" : "ICD-10"
"code" : "ICD10AM",
"display" : "ICD-10 Australian modification"
"code" : "ICD10CA",
"display" : "ICD-10 Canada"
"code" : "I9",
"display" : "ICD9"
"code" : "I9CDX",
"display" : "ICD-9CM Diagnosis codes"
"code" : "I9CP",
"display" : "ICD-9CM Procedure codes"
"code" : "IC2",
"display" : "ICHPPC-2"
"code" : "IHELAW",
"display" : "IHE Laboratory Analytical Workflow (LAW) Profile Codes."
"code" : "NAICS",
"display" : "Industry (NAICS)"
"code" : "SIC",
"display" : "Industry (SIC)"
"code" : "ITIS",
"display" : "Integrated Taxonomic Information System"
"code" : "ICDO2",
"display" : "International Classification of Disease for Oncology Second Edition"
"code" : "ICDO3",
"display" : "International Classification of Disease for Oncology Third Edition"
"code" : "ICDO",
"display" : "International Classification of Diseases for Oncology"
"code" : "I10C",
"display" : "International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)"
"code" : "I10P",
"display" : "International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS)"
"code" : "I9C",
"display" : "International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)"
"code" : "ICF",
"display" : "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)"
"code" : "ICSD",
"display" : "International Classification of Sleep Disorders"
"code" : "ISCN",
"display" : "International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN)"
"code" : "IBT",
"display" : "ISBT"
"code" : "IBT0001",
"display" : "ISBT 128 Standard transfusion/transplantation data items"
"code" : "ISO+",
"display" : "ISO 2955.83 (units of measure) with HL7 extensions"
"code" : "ISO3166_1",
"display" : "ISO 3166-1 Country Codes"
"code" : "ISO3166_2",
"display" : "ISO 3166-2 Country subdivisions"
"code" : "ISO639",
"display" : "ISO 639 Language"
"code" : "ISOnnnn",
"display" : "ISO Defined Codes where nnnn is the ISO table number. (deprecated)"
"code" : "ISO4217",
"display" : "ISO4217 Currency Codes"
"code" : "IUPC",
"display" : "IUPAC/IFCC Component Codes"
"code" : "IUPP",
"display" : "IUPAC/IFCC Property Codes"
"code" : "JC8",
"display" : "Japanese Chemistry"
"code" : "JJ1017",
"display" : "Japanese Image Examination Cache"
"code" : "HOT",
"display" : "Japanese Nationwide Medicine Code"
"code" : "JC10",
"display" : "JLAC/JSLM, nationwide laboratory code"
"code" : "LANGUAL",
"display" : "LanguaL"
"code" : "LB",
"display" : "Local billing code"
"code" : "L",
"display" : "Local code"
"code" : "99zzz",
"display" : "Local general code (where z is an alphanumeric character)"
"code" : "99zzz or L",
"display" : "Local general code for a site-defined code system used for a specific set of trading partners."
"code" : "LRG-RefSeq",
"display" : "Locus Reference Genomic (LRG)"
"code" : "LN",
"display" : "Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC«)"
"code" : "UMD",
"display" : "MDNS"
"code" : "MCD",
"display" : "Medicaid"
"code" : "MDC",
"display" : "Medical Device Communication"
"code" : "MEDR",
"display" : "Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Affairs (MEDDRA)"
"code" : "MEDX",
"display" : "Medical Economics Diagnostic Codes"
"code" : "MEDC",
"display" : "Medical Economics Drug Codes"
"code" : "MCR",
"display" : "Medicare"
"code" : "MDDX",
"display" : "Medispan Diagnostic Codes"
"code" : "MGPI",
"display" : "Medispan GPI"
"code" : "MEDIATYPE",
"display" : "MIME Media Type IANA"
"code" : "NDA",
"display" : "NANDA"
"code" : "NDC",
"display" : "National drug codes"
"code" : "NPI",
"display" : "National Provider Identifier"
"code" : "NUBC",
"display" : "National Uniform Billing Committee Code"
"code" : "refSeq-G",
"display" : "NCBI - genomic and chromosome reference sequences"
"code" : "RefSeq-P",
"display" : "NCBI - protein reference sequence"
"code" : "Medgen-Dis",
"display" : "NCBI MedGen disease subset"
"code" : "NCBI-GeneCode",
"display" : "NCBI-GeneCode"
"code" : "refSeq-T",
"display" : "NCBI-transcript reference sequences (RefSeq)"
"code" : "NCPDPnnnnsss",
"display" : "NCPDP code list for data element nnnn"
"code" : "NDFRT",
"display" : "NDF-RT (Drug Classification)"
"code" : "NND",
"display" : "Notifiable Event (Disease/Condition) Code List"
"code" : "NIC",
"display" : "Nursing Interventions Classification"
"code" : "OBSMETHOD",
"display" : "Observation Method Code"
"code" : "SOC",
"display" : "Occupation (SOC 2000)"
"code" : "CDCODH",
"display" : "Occupational Data for Health (ODH)"
"code" : "UB04FL31",
"display" : "Occurrence Code"
"code" : "UB04FL35",
"display" : "Occurrence Span"
"code" : "CMSOEC",
"display" : "OCE Edit Code"
"code" : "CMSOMC",
"display" : "OCE Modifier Code"
"code" : "OHA",
"display" : "Omaha System"
"code" : "O3012004",
"display" : "OPS Germany 2004"
"code" : "O3012005",
"display" : "OPS Germany 2005"
"code" : "O3012006",
"display" : "Ops Germany 2006"
"code" : "OPS2007",
"display" : "OPS Germany v2007"
"code" : "OPS2008",
"display" : "OPS Germany v2008"
"code" : "OPS2009",
"display" : "OPS Germany v2008"
"code" : "ROLECODE",
"display" : "Participation Mode"
"code" : "PRTCPTNMODE",
"display" : "Paticipation Mode Code"
"code" : "UB04FL17",
"display" : "Patient Discharge Status"
"code" : "UB04FL15",
"display" : "Point of Origin"
"code" : "FIPS55_3",
"display" : "Populated Places (FIPS 55-3)"
"code" : "POS",
"display" : "POS Codes"
"code" : "UB04FL67",
"display" : "Present on Admission"
"code" : "UB04FL14",
"display" : "Priority (Type) of Visit"
"code" : "CDCREC",
"display" : "Race & Ethnicity - CDC"
"code" : "RC",
"display" : "Read Classification"
"code" : "NIP009",
"display" : "Reported adverse event previously"
"code" : "UB04FL42",
"display" : "Revenue Code"
"code" : "RXNORM",
"display" : "RxNorm"
"code" : "RxT-Ingrd",
"display" : "RxTerms-Ingredients Subset"
"code" : "dbSNP",
"display" : "Short Genetic Variations database (dbSNP)"
"code" : "SCT",
"display" : "SNOMED Clinical Terms"
"code" : "SCT2",
"display" : "SNOMED Clinical Terms alphanumeric codes"
"code" : "SDM",
"display" : "SNOMED- DICOM Microglossary"
"code" : "SNM3",
"display" : "SNOMED International"
"code" : "SNT",
"display" : "SNOMED topology codes (anatomic sites)"
"code" : "NIP001",
"display" : "Source of Information (Immunization)"
"code" : "PHDSCSOPT",
"display" : "Source of Payment Typology"
"code" : "RSPMODE",
"display" : "Specifies the mode, immediate versus deferred or queued, by which a receiver should communicate its receiver responsibilities."
"code" : "NIP002",
"display" : "Substance refusal reason"
"code" : "SNM",
"display" : "Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED)"
"code" : "ACTCODE",
"display" : "Table of HL7 Version 3 ActCode values"
"code" : "Star-Allele",
"display" : "The star allele nomenclature is commonly used in pharmacogenomics as shorthand to specify one or more specific variants in a gene that is known to impact drug metabolism or response."
"code" : "USGSGNIS",
"display" : "U.S. Board on Geographic Names (USGS - GNIS)"
"code" : "UC",
"display" : "UCDS"
"code" : "UCUM",
"display" : "UCUM code set for units of measure(from Regenstrief)"
"code" : "UML",
"display" : "Unified Medical Language"
"code" : "FDAUNII",
"display" : "Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII)"
"code" : "USPS",
"display" : "United States Postal Service"
"code" : "UPC",
"display" : "Universal Product Code"
"code" : "UPIN",
"display" : "UPIN"
"code" : "ROLECLASS",
"display" : "Used initially for contact roles."
"code" : "ACTRELSS",
"display" : "Used to indicate that the target of the relationship will be a filtered subset of the total related set of targets"
"code" : "NIP007",
"display" : "Vaccinated at location (facility)"
"code" : "NIP004",
"display" : "Vaccination - Contraindications, Precautions, and Immunities"
"code" : "NIP008",
"display" : "Vaccine purchased with (Type of funding)"
"code" : "NIP010",
"display" : "VAERS Report type"
"code" : "UB04FL39",
"display" : "Value Code"
"code" : "cdcgs1vis",
"display" : "VIS Bar Codes (IIS)"
"code" : "ART",
"display" : "WHO Adverse Reaction Terms"
"code" : "WC",
"display" : "WHO ATC"
"code" : "W4",
"display" : "WHO record # code with ASTM extension"
"code" : "W1",
"display" : "WHO record # drug codes (6 digit)"
"code" : "W2",
"display" : "WHO record # drug codes (8 digit)"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.